Sunday, July 28, 2013

Last week...

I had been so excited to see the Blues in Malaysia for the past few weeks. Ever since they announced the news of them having a tour in Asia in the beginning the year, I could not wait for this day to come. I started saving money for the tickets and keeping myself up to date with the tour news. I could not stop thinking about meeting the Blues weeks before the tour. After months of anticipation, this day finally arrived!

On 20th of July, we went to watch the training session at Shah Alam Stadium. Despite everyone telling me how boring the training session would be, I still wanted to go so badly. I knew there would be less people so it would be a good chance to watch them closer compared to on the matchday itself. However, we were late so we did not get the front seats, but it was good enough. Just by seeing the players so close to us, everything felt right. I can't describe precisely how I felt.

The players greeting the fans after training

The next day, which was the matchday, we reached the stadium around 6.30pm in order to get a good seat. But we did not know we got Grandstand (numbered seating) instead of Red Zone (free seating). And we had to wait till 9.45pm for the game to start. Oh gosh! I don't know how we were so patient to just sit there from 7pm and talked about football all the way. Thank goodness, we only had to wait until 9.15pm, where the players entered the pitch for warm up. I really love the excitement of watching the game live! The feeling when the players did some skills right in front of you where you can only watch on television normally and everyone cheered. So great!

Second half players warming up right in front of us

Not going to elaborate much on it, but the experience of meeting the Blues is something I will remember for the rest of my life. What a shame that some of the players that I really wanted to meet did not come but I had fun all the same. All the waiting and anticipation, getting stuck in jam, getting lost on the way, and everything you can never imagine to have to go through just to meet the team you love is worth it. Ahh things we do for Chelsea! When you support a team through and through, you will do anything and everything.  

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